Why choose timber cladding?
We are passionate about our cladding profiles for the style, versatility and performance they offer....
Here's our top 5 reasons to choose Aussie Hardwood Cladding:
1: Design freedom
Timber cladding suits almost any environment, taste or style. A huge variety of modern finishes are now available to give a long lasting and attractive appearance to timber cladding. You can easily change the colour and style of the building, to keep up with the latest fashion or create an individual look to suit your personal taste.
Our range of profiles offer enormous variety - and adding to that, you have the option of horizontal or vertical application, or a combination of both.

2: Inbuilt Flexibility
The natural properties of timber provide advantages on sites subject to high winds, extreme climate, highly reactive soils, subsidence or earth tremors - especially important for us coastal dwellers where the close proximity to the water can challenge masonry and other rigid materials over time. The natural resilience and high strength-to-weight ratio of timber means the flexibility to withstand far greater movement & stress.

3: Environmentally friendly
Minimal non-renewable energy is consumed in the production of and construction with timber. Timber also has inherent thermal properties, meaning timber structures rely less on carbon-emitting heating and cooling devices. And timber has natural durability, with many Australian hardwoods having an above ground life of 50+ years, meaning less energy is used on maintenance, demolition and new construction. Add to this timber's recyclability, and the fact that it stores carbon for life.
But that's not all!
All our timber is sourced from sustainably managed forests from Australia's East Coast which is kiln dried in one of our six solar kilns - again minimising the use of non-renewable energy plus giving you a top-quality product. It's a stand-out when choosing a product for it's environmental properties.

4: Fire Resistance
You might be thinking we are a bit mad as timber is a combustible product ....yes timber IS combustible, but it also has significant insulating properties and burns in a slow, predictable and measurable way. These factors see timber perform strongly against fire.
When exposed to the heat of a fire, timber goes through a process of thermal breakdown into combustible gases. A layer of charcoal forms on the burning surface of the timber and this charred layer is the key contributing factor in timber's fire resistance. The layer acts as an insulator protecting the inner core of the timber, making it resist heat penetration and burn more slowly; while the temperature of the inner, uncharred core remains low, enabling it to continue to carry its load. Initially the rate of charring is fast but as the char depth increases it provides a stronger protective layer to the timber, slowing the overall combustion rate.
If you are in a bush fire zone, our fire resistant cladding is available in Ironbark, Blackbutt, Silvertop Ash & Spotted Gum - give us a call if you need more information about timber's fire rated properties.

5: Thermal & Acoustic Performance (OK, so technically SIX reasons to choose cladding)
Thermal performance - Air pockets within timber's cellular structure create a natural barrier to heat and cold that make timber a naturally insulating materials. The thermal properties of timber also maximise the efficiency of insulation materials - wood will not become cold or dissipate heat like concrete or steel for instance, therefore using less energy to maintain heating or cooling throughout a building.
Acoustic performance - Timber performs exceptionally well where acoustic propeties are required - either to enhance or reduce sound depending on the application. The network of small interlocking cells in timber convert sound energy into heat energy by frictional resistance and by vibrations within their sub-structure. Due to this internal friction, timber has a stronger sound dampening capacity than most structural materials.
While a concrete wall will also reflect sound, it also results in stronger echoes which can diminish the effect substantially - especially if you have noisy neighbours! The natural acoustic properties of timber control this reverberation, by reducing the transmission of sound vibrations.
In summation, timber cladding is a clear winner when looking for an outstanding building material that is also flexible, modern & beautiful.